Freaky Wiki
An ever changing, morphing, gelatinous goo of links, articles, poorly drawn sketches, and half baked ideas in being impolite.
Our Services Most Foul
An ever changing, morphing, gelatinous goo of links, articles, poorly drawn sketches, and half baked ideas in being impolite.
The Anti-social network site where you can make new friends, collaborate on ideas, swap props, and find others with the same mental illness.
I haven't thought this far ahead yet, but carry on with whatever you were doing and I will get back to this later. Maybe.
"AAAAHH! OMG!! What was that?! Get me out of here! Nowwwwwww!!"
"Dude - what the hell! Geesh... hehehe. Whaaaa! No! Where did that come from? [heavy breathing]"
"I'mNotScared I'mNotScared I'mNotScared I'mNotScared I'mNotScared...AAAAH!"